Mystique of Guitars Gibson Les Paul Standard 1959 of Release

During the last decade, Gibson Les Paul Standard Guitars of 1959 sold for $ 50,000 for regular, non-stellar copies of up to $1 million for the legendary "Holy Grail" of Peter Green and Gary Moore, the guitar that Green used to record the first albums Fleetwood Mac, and Gary Moore has repeatedly tested throughout his fruitful career. However, the 1958 and 1960 models are not sold as well and expensive, even when it comes to Blues breakers Les Paul 1960, owned by Eric Clapton.

Gibson Les Paul Standard 1959 certainly has a special aura, marked with a dollar sign.

Perhaps the main reason for the charismatic attraction of these guitars was precisely that some of the most grandiose rock and roll records from the world's best guitarists were created precisely with their use. Gibson Les Paul Standard 1959 for fans and novice players has the same mystical, sacra significance, as violins, violas and violoncello Stradivari for violinists.

Classic Les Paul 1959, due to frequent use in musical compositions, today involuntarily associated with famous songs and their performers. For example, with "Miss Pearly Gates" Billy Gibson, with "Number 1" and "Number 2" Jimmy Page, with "Hotel California" Don Felder, with the above "Holy Grail" and with "Rosanna Burst" Steve Lucifer.

Since its introduction in 1952, the Gibson Les Paul line of guitars has developed at a steady, quiet pace. But in 1959 all the stars came together, and the company made a truly outstanding and timeless instrument. That's why so many stars then chose this guitar. In the mid-1950s a new Tune-O-Matic chassis and a P-480 pickup with an Alnico-5 magnet near the neck were installed.

And in 1957 the company released PAF hum bucker, which made a real revolution in the sound of electric guitars. The next step in the development in 1958 was the update of the Les Paul series: the new model retained most of the specifications of the Gold top guitars but got a nice color for the eye- sunburst.

The changes of the following year, 1959, brought the characteristics of Gibson Les Paul to the top of the classical sound. The guitar's neck was made thin enough for faster playing, and the narrow frets increased for an easier transition between notes. This is a very simple change, but guitarists understand how much the characteristics of the free board and the frets are important for performance. 

Of course, Les Paul 1959 was not always so expensive. Now it costs less than $300 with the case. Probably, Keith Richard in 1964 bought it even cheaper. He became the first rock star to publicly use Les Paul. In 1967, the Richards guitar was sold to Mick Taylor, who replaced Peter Green in John May all & Blues breakers. Thus began the star chain of fame Gibson Les Paul Standard 1959.

Add to this list such stars as Paul McCartney, Jeff Beck, Dickey Betts, Slash, Duen Allan, Paul Kossoff, John Perry and many others.

For those who want to spend less money, Guitar shop London creates outstanding reproductions of these classic instruments. The process of their manufacture is more complicated in comparison with the procedure for creating the original, since it requires the most accurate transfer of antique parts.



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